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Angry Gods
Perseu - God of the Underworld

In a realm beyond mortal comprehension, where the heavens meet the earth and the elements themselves are alive, there existed a pantheon of thirty unique gods. Known collectively as the "Angry Gods," they watched over the world with eyes clouded by fury, their hearts heavy with disappointment at humanity's disregard for the sacred balance of nature.

Long ago, when the earth was young and teeming with life, the Angry Gods had bestowed upon humanity the gift of stewardship, entrusting them with the care of the land, the seas, and the skies. But as the ages passed, mankind grew reckless and heedless, exploiting the earth's resources without thought for the consequences.

In their wrath, the Angry Gods convened a council atop the highest peak of the world, their voices booming like thunder as they deliberated the fate of humanity. Each deity brought forth their grievances, from polluted rivers to scorched forests, from vanishing species to rising seas.

Among the council, there was Kala, the god of storms, whose fury manifested in thunderous tempests and raging hurricanes. His tears mingled with rain as he lamented the desecration of the once-pristine lands beneath his domain.

Beside him stood Terra, the earth goddess, her verdant form trembling with sorrow as she witnessed the scars carved into her flesh by the insatiable hunger of mankind.

And then there was Sol, the sun god, whose golden visage was darkened by clouds of smog, casting a pall over the world below.

Together, the Angry Gods decreed that humanity must be taught a lesson, a harsh reminder of their folly and arrogance. And so, they unleashed their wrath upon the earth, unleashing storms, earthquakes, and natural disasters of unprecedented magnitude.

The memory of the Angry Gods lingered in the hearts of humanity, a reminder of the consequences of their actions and the importance of living in harmony with the world around them. And though the earth bore the scars of their wrath, it also bore the promise of renewal, a testament to the resilience of life and the enduring power of hope.

Angry Gods